In relation to JB46 Investment Partners SL Investments (Fund I)
The information provided is for the sole purpose of informing potential investors in JB46 SEARCH FUND INVESTMENTS SCR, S.A of the general partners’ previous experience in this asset class.
The information corresponds to the investments made in an unregulated Limited Company. The information provided does not and will not bind the investments nor the activity of JB46 SEARCH FUND INVESTMENTS, SCR S.A.
None of the companies are engaged in any competitive activity with the SCR, i.e., there are no competing interests or conflicts of interest that are present or are expected to arise. It should be noted that neither the investments made nor the vehicles themselves have been externally audited.
These companies are within the “Search Fund” ecosystem. In this regard, it is indicated that the general partners who are part of the management bodies of these companies will not carry out any competitive activity with JB46 SEARCH FUND INVESTMENTS SCR, S.A. The investments made have already been completed years ago and in no case will they carry out the same activity as JB46 SEARCH FUND INVESTMENTS SCR, S.A.